
Welcome to JASAG2017A

概要 プログラム 各種申込 執筆要領 English

Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming (JASAG) is pleased to invite all teachers, researchers, and students to join the Annual Conference of JASAG 2017 Autumn. Here you’ll have accessed to simulations and gaming for learning and teaching of your peer. You can build your new network, learn from them, and contribute to all education levels.

Theme:Simulation & Gaming: Changing its role
Host:Japan Simulation and Gaming Association (JASAG)
Date: Friday November 3 to Sunday November 5, 2017
Venue: 1) Hotel Sapporo Garden Palace (November 3)
N1 W6, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Venue: 2) Hokkaido University of Science Building G (November 4 & 5, 2017)
4-1-15-7, Maeda, Teine-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
All games and simulations related to teaching and learning are welcome.

Important Dates
Special Session Submission: Aug. 21 to Sep.4, 2017
Regular Session Submission: Aug 21 to Sep 11, 2017
Notification for Special Session: Sep.11, 2017
Notification for Regular Session: Sep. 19, 2017
Deadline for Camera-ready: Oct 10, 2017

Fees for Regular/ Paper Session on November 4 and 5, 2017
Types Early Bird is applied for the submission Before 30 Sep 2017

Member:(EB) 3,000JPY (walk-in) 4,000JPY
Student Member: (EB) 1,000JPY (walk-in) 2,000JPY
Non-Member: (EB) 4,000JPY (walk-in) 5,000JPY
Non-Member Student: (EB) 2,000JPY (walk-in)  3,000JPY

Fees for Gaming Special Session on November 3, 2017

Member:(EB) 5,000JPY (Walkin) 6,000JPY
Student Member: (EB) 4,000JPY (walk-in)  5,000JPY
Non-Member:(EB) 6,000JPY (Walkin) 7,000JPY
Non-Member Student:(EB) 4,500JPY (walk-in) 5,500JPY

Chairperson Tomomi Kaneko (Junior College, Hokkaido University of Science)
Masanori Oikawa (Hokkaido Research Institute)
Susumu Onuma (Hokkaido University)
Ryoju Hamada (Nagoya Institute of Technology)

3 Nov. 2017 (Fri)
16:00-18:00 Board Meeting
18:00-20:00 JASAG Gaming Special Session “The Gaming Eve”
Moderator: Shin Oyamada (Tohoku University)
Special Game Session: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Songsri Soranastaporn (Mahidol University, Thailand)

4 Nov. 2017 (Sat)
Registration is available at G205
09:00-10:30 Special Session (1), (2), International Session
10:45-12:15 Special Session (3), Paper Session (1), (2)
13:30-14:30 Key Note Speech
“Remarkable Role of Business Game for University-Industry Collaboration in early days of 2000s”
By Professor Emulates of Hokkaido University Dr. Yasuyuki HAMADA
14:40-15:00 Case study“Design Management Game”
By Hokkaido Research Institute; Seiji Hidaka and Kofuyu Innami

15:15-16:45 Ultimate Discussion “Future of Simulation Gaming”Moderator; Ryoju Hamada (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Hiroshi Deguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Motonari Tanabu (Yokohama National University)
Masayuki Yoshida (Joetsu University of Education)
Hidehiko Kanegae (Ristumeikan University)
Toshiko Kikkawa (Keio University)
17:00-18:30 JASAG Annual Member Meeting, Introduction of ISAGA2018, Award Ceremony)

5 Nov. 2017 (Sat) Japanese Sessions only